Islamic Will

While Muslims who die in Muslim majority countries may have their assets distributed according to Islamic law by default , a Muslim in the USA may not be so fortunate. Dying without a will in the USA (called intestate) may trigger existing state laws that determine the actual division of assets. Such a division may differ considerably from a Islamic Law division. Therefore, if someone lives in a country like the US, he/she should make a special effort to ensure that his/her assets are properly distributed upon death. You can contact Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH). or Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) to get details and format of Islamic Will. Please consult an attorney for a final form that conforms with your state laws. (For example in certain US states your wife may need to sign a special form, etc.) Please note that in the USA a will may not control the disposition of all of your assets in certain situations. Check with an estate professional on the value of other instruments in addition to your will. There may be considerable tax effects for different decisions.

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